Friday, December 28, 2012

Using your mobile to play D3

Earlier in the year - basically when D3 was nearing release, the question came up regarding data usage and using a 3G connection to play Diablo 3.

As i am a MWEB user i have had no problems connection via the ADSL service provider. In fact when I attended the MWEB release event i was assured that the ISP went to great pains to ensure baby smooth ping rates for all Blizzard games. 

How much data, Data?

As Diablo 3 requires a concurrent connection to their servers for item generation and recording of character advancement, we really cannot afford to have connections dropped, or experience bad lag. On a recent run on D3 total data usage while running around for about an hour resulted in an average data consumption of close to 24MB. This is for 20MB Down, and 4MB up. 

Considering that updates needs to be downloaded at install... from 256MB to 80Mb, and remember the install was already something like 6GB, and if you try and download the PTR version of D3, it is again 6/7GB!!

LTE or not to LTE?

Vodacom and MTN have vowed to install LTE networks across South Africa we will be seeing an alternative to 3G and low latency connections soon!!! 

LTE networks will allow for a much improved connection speed for locals as our average ADSL connection is 1MB/2MB packages while some lucky ones have access to Telkom's much vaulted 10MB line. But ADSL only offers a measly 512kb upload bandwidth. 

VODACOM SA recently released some facts about LTE:

What makes LTE so good?
  • It's faster - up to three times faster in fact. LTE can reach up to 60Mbps in ideal conditions. However, on average LTE subscribers will experience around 10Mbps.
  • The delay experienced - or latency - on a LTE network is reduced.
  • Higher speed and lower latency translates into a more stable user experience with stutter-free video, gaming and almost instantaneous music and picture downloads. There is less of a chance that your download will bomb out halfway through. So, you may never have to restart your download ever again.

Do I have LTE coverage in my area?

If you're not covered yet, please check back regularly as we're rolling out our coverage weekly and will be updating this map frequently to ensure that you know when LTE has reached you.

What happens if I use my LTE device in a 3G area where there is no LTE coverage?
When LTE data is not available, your device will automatically switch to 3G, so you'll always be connected.

How do I connect to the LTE network?
If you are an existing Vodacom Contract customer, you can request the LTE service to be activated on your SIM card. Currently, Prepaid and Top Up customers cannot access the LTEservice, but we are working on extending LTE to all our customers in 2013.

To access the LTE service you will need:To be within a LTE coverage area
To be a Vodacom Contract customer
A compatible LTE device with the APN set to
Have a 64k or 128k SIM card

As LTE is a 'free' upgrade to 3G you will see the same costs as your current 3G connection, but at the higher bandwidth that LTE offers.

LTE deal curently offered are hitting you for a 24 month contract at R129 x 24 and only offering you 500MB allocation. Remember the earlier 24MB/hr connection... that is 20 hours worth of connection at R129 per month, excluding updates.

So what now?

Other than having a local ADSL connection at home, and sharing one connection between friends for a local LAN, you can now run your home LAN party with the help of Vodacom anywhere!

Diablo 3 on the Beach anyone? D3 at the Braai?

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